












  • Dark Horses is now OPEN to submissions. Please see the update and our Writer's Guidelines. We look forward to hearing from you!






    Hello and thank you so much for considering Dark Horses! Alas, we've received so many great stories that we're having difficulty giving them all the consideration they deserve. Couple that with the fact that we're extremely short-staffed, and, well, a communication like this becomes necessary. Here's the skinny: we're asking for your continued patience as we work through the stories and, also, that you forgive us (should we decide we can't use your work) for not sending a formal rejection letter. For one, they're no fun to write, and for two, they're time-consuming--time we'd rather use reading stories and generating cover art. To that end, we will not be notifying authors of rejections, only acceptances. So. Should you not hear from us within 3 months, it's a good chance we've passed on your story. That said, feel free to contact us; things can and do get lost in the shuffle. Again, thanks for considering us, and thanks for your patience as we consider your work!


    Our very best,
    Dark Horses Magazine


    About Us

    dark horse
    /ˈdärk ˈˌhôrs/
    1. a candidate or competitor about whom little is known but who unexpectedly wins or succeeds.
    "a dark-horse candidate"

    Join us for a monthly tour of writers who give as good as they get. From hard science-fiction to stark, melancholic apocalypses; from Lovecraftian horror to zombies and horror comedy; from whimsical interludes to tales of unlikely compassion--whatever it is, if it's weird, it's here. So grab a seat before the starting gun fires, pour yourself a glass of strange wine, and get ready for the running of the dark horses.
  • Back Issues

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  • Black Sheep

    Unique Tales of Terror and Wonder 


    Welcome to Black Sheep: Unique Tales of Terror and Wonder, an extraordinary anthology magazine that transcends the boundaries of science-fiction, fantasy, and horror. Prepare to embark on a thrilling journey through the darkest corners of the human imagination, where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the mundane transforms into a realm of unspeakable terror and awe-inspiring wonder.


    Within these pages, you'll discover a collection of captivating stories carefully curated to transport you to realms beyond the mundane. Each issue presents an array of unique tales crafted by talented visionaries, both established and emerging, who dare to defy conventions and push the boundaries of speculative fiction.

    Whether you're a seasoned lover of the fantastic or just curious to explore new frontiers, Black Sheep: Unique Tales of Terror and Wonder will be your guide through the realms of the extraordinary. Prepare to be enthralled, enchanted, haunted. So put on your dark sunglasses … and unleash your inner Black Sheep.
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  • New!

    Mobius Blvd

    Stories from the Byway Between Reality and Dream


    There is a byway between reality and dream. A transit we call Möbius Blvd …


    Inspired by the enigmatic Möbius strip, a mathematical construct that defies conventional notions of linearity and infinity, Möbius Blvd has no beginning or end but exists in a place where reality and dream have fused … coalesced … merged. With each turn of the page, you'll encounter a unique blend of horror, fantasy, and science-fiction—fiction that will challenge your perceptions and leave you
    in awe of the infinite possibilities that exist within the written word.


    Indeed, Möbius Blvd is far more than a magazine; it's an experience. It's an exploration of the infinite, a passage through dimensions where the only constant is storytelling at its most daring, a kaleidoscope of wonder and terror. Join us on this winding, never-ending journey of speculative fiction that will keep you entranced from the first twist to the last loop. Open your mind to the limitless worlds of Möbius Blvd … and discover that the boundary between fiction and reality is as thin as a strip of paper with a twist.

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  • Submission Guidelines

    ATTN: It is vital to the publishing process that you format your manuscript using Word Styles; this cannot be stressed enough. Manuscripts failing to adhere to this may be rejected--even after formerly being accepted. It is also imperative that your manuscript include your name and full contact info; we can't tell you how many accepted manuscripts have later been passed over because we couldn't connect a name to the work. We have a tiny staff and publish three monthly magazines--help us not lose track of you! Additionally, check your email--again, many manuscripts have been accepted only to be passed over later because we never heard back from the author. Lastly, please respond to any acceptance letter or correspondence in the same thread; it helps us keep everything straight. We look forward to hearing from you!

    Some Givens

    Honestly, we’d rather roll in broken glass than write a set of Writer’s Guidelines. But, because we’d rather accept your work than send you another form rejection (which, if you’re submitting to us, you have a trunk full of already—because you’ve been at this for a while, right?), we thought it necessary. First, of course, are the givens. It’s a given, for example, that you’ve read widely and know something about weird fiction. I mean, if you haven’t, and are still submitting to us, well, that’d be nuts, wouldn’t it? Pure hubris. It’s also a given that you’ve spent some time honing your craft and know your way around a manuscript—again, because why else would you be submitting to us?—and, also, that you understand some basic Word mechanics (how to use paragraph styles, for example), so that, should we accept your work, it will be easy for us to publish. Those are the givens.


    What isn’t a given is, well, everything else. What isn’t a given is how you handle language and time and make us want to continue reading even though we have a bus to catch at 4 o’clock in the morning. What isn’t a given is your use of atmosphere and place and nuance to give us a sense of dread and/or anticipation; or the way you are able to keep things moving along and not get too mired in detail or ephemera; or that you don’t need to use excessive sex, violence, or language to get the job done—but aren’t afraid to, either, if the story demands it. What isn’t a given is that, beyond the basics, there are no givens; and that anything and everything is possible if you just make us believe. If you just tell us a good story and do it with some measure of finesse.


    That’s it, in a nutshell. That’s the girl, the gold watch, everything.

    Some Terms

    We ask for non-exclusive, one-time, worldwide rights to publish your work in print and digital formats, and then to archive it indefinitely. Alas, we are not a paying market at this time.

    How to Submit


    • Include a brief covering letter (with word count)
    • Include a third-person bio (approx. 100 words)
    • Include the word “Submission” in the subject line
    • Up to 10,000 words of prose, with exceptions (MS Word only, please)
    • Simultaneous submissions: okay
    • Reprints: welcome
    • One submission at a time, please

    Send work to shadowsinthegarden@gmail.com.


    Please query if you have received no response after three months.

    What to Expect if Accepted:


    Because we are such a tiny operation, we do things ... differently. First, the Rejection. As stated above, while we do not notify authors personally, you should absolutely query if you haven't heard from us in 3+ months. Also, as a courtesy, we like to forward rejected manuscripts to at least one other publishing company to sort of give them a second chance; if this is not welcome, please let us know in your cover letter. Whether you accept or deny any potential offer from them is, of course, entirely up to you.



    The Acceptance: If we accept your work--again, because we are so short-staffed--you will receive a group email titled "ACCEPTANCE" ... along with everyone else selected for that issue. Please respond to that same thread as it helps us keep track of everyone and avoids potential confusion. Thank you!

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